Barre d'outils Purpose

Add (Save)

Add a new service group. When you click Add, this button must be used to Save the change.

Delete (Undo)

Delete the selected service group. When you make changes this button can be used to Undo those changes.
Rapports Print a Service Groups report for the Information Board or a confidential version for the body of elders.
Fields Purpose
Nom du Groupe: Name of the Group.
Responsable de Groupe: Name of the overseer.
Jour de la semaine: Day of the week that the group will meet for field service. Select the day from the drop-down list.
Heure Time the meeting for field service will begin.
Adresse Address of the group location if held in a home.
Utiliser en tant que foyer priv Check this box if this group can be scheduled to host an incoming public speaker.
utiliser pour le nettoyage Check this box if this group can be scheduled to clean the Kingdom Hall.
How To Purpose
Reorder names

To change the order of the names, click and drag the small box that precedes a name up or down to a new position or click Order by Last name to reorder the names by last name. Families will be ordered by head of house and family members by date of birth.

Move a publisher to another group

To move a publisher to a different group, click and drag the name to one of the group name buttons. Then release the mouse button to move the publisher to the new location.

Tip: To move multiple publishers, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the name of each publisher to be moved. Now release the Ctrl button, hover the mouse over any one of the selected names and hold down the left mouse button. Now drag the selected publishers to one of the other groups. Then release the mouse button to move the selected publishers to the new location.

Exclude - Include Publishers Double click a publisher name to exclude them from the report. To include a name that is excluded (x), double click their name and click Yes when prompted to include them on the report.
Group Assistant Double-click the name of any exemplary brother to mark them as the group assistant or remove them as group assistant.

See Also

Report Output Options